The Unlimited Learning Space is a place where we remove some of the limits to learning. Students are encouraged to develop a more independent approach to gaining knowledge and creating solutions as they manage their time and resources through a learning contract. Tasks and activities in the ULS have been planned to promote critical thinking and a deeper level of understanding. This term we are focussing on Blooms Taxonomy of thinking, De Bono's 6 thinking hats and Thinkers Keys in relation to the topic they are engaged in and with 2 teachers in the space, students are being well supported through this process. We hope you enjoy checking out what is happening in the ULS, we welcome your comments - Tracey Pacheco (ULS Teacher).

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Technology and Literacy

Always a challenge and in the ULS we are trying to use iPad Apps to showcase student's learning and engage them process of presenting their understanding of a concept. This term we have used Fotobabble (great for oral language) , Pic Collage (visual language) and Popplet (cause and effect). Here are some examples.
Popplet for Concept : Human footprint Cause and Effect

Pic collage for Concept : What makes a successful Orchard?

Fotobabble for Concept : A case study on the human impact on Mt Everest

Friday, 7 March 2014

Writing and Speaking Frames

Students have so many great ideas but can struggle to organise their thoughts on paper or when speaking. A challenge is also adding detail to their information and expanding on their ideas. A writing or speaking frame gives students a good basic structure to work with so that they can put down their ideas in a logical order and it can focus them on where they need to add more information. Scaffolding students in this way is what we believe allows all students to feel success when writing and speaking.

What the Kids are saying about the ULS. . . .

The ULS Is different because you use iPads a lot, we use conferences we just focus on one topic and we use Bloom's Taxonomy.

What I like about the ULS room is that we do lots of thinking about human footprints and we also do poppet and Fotobabble.

I can now use Poppet,Fotobabble and a make a world map of countries that have been polluted by humans.

Conferencing helps me because if you were in a big line the teacher would get angry because everyone will be noisy so it is better having conferences than having a big line.

By Yazmin Rm 11

The ULS is different from our classroom because we use electronics a lot and we have to manage ourselves .

Conferencing helps me learn because we have to explain what we have done so the teacher knows that we understand our work instead of us just coping information.

By Winifer Rm 11

The Uls is different because we use a contract
I like doing my fotobabble, Going on blogger and putting my popplet on it.
Conferencing with the teacher is good so now you know your work is correct and makes sense.

By Haaris Rm 11

The ULS is different from other classes because you do more work and learn about the environment

I like working in the ULS because I like learning about the environment:)

Conferencing has helped my learning because if I forget what to do i can just check my conference:)

By Eli Rm11