The Unlimited Learning Space is a place where we remove some of the limits to learning. Students are encouraged to develop a more independent approach to gaining knowledge and creating solutions as they manage their time and resources through a learning contract. Tasks and activities in the ULS have been planned to promote critical thinking and a deeper level of understanding. This term we are focussing on Blooms Taxonomy of thinking, De Bono's 6 thinking hats and Thinkers Keys in relation to the topic they are engaged in and with 2 teachers in the space, students are being well supported through this process. We hope you enjoy checking out what is happening in the ULS, we welcome your comments - Tracey Pacheco (ULS Teacher).

Monday 24 February 2014


Blogging is a way students can showcase their learning with the school and wider community and get real time interaction about their learning. This can only happen when family and friends visit our student and class blogs and leave comments regarding their learning , so comment on a blog today.

We encourage students, parents and community to comment on student and class blogs with positive feedback. Never underestimate the value of connecting with students about their writing and encouraging their response. Some tips for writing quality comments :
1. Compliment the writer in a specific way.
2. Add new information.
3. Make a connection.
4. End with a Question.
5. Proof read your Comment

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