The Unlimited Learning Space is a place where we remove some of the limits to learning. Students are encouraged to develop a more independent approach to gaining knowledge and creating solutions as they manage their time and resources through a learning contract. Tasks and activities in the ULS have been planned to promote critical thinking and a deeper level of understanding. This term we are focussing on Blooms Taxonomy of thinking, De Bono's 6 thinking hats and Thinkers Keys in relation to the topic they are engaged in and with 2 teachers in the space, students are being well supported through this process. We hope you enjoy checking out what is happening in the ULS, we welcome your comments - Tracey Pacheco (ULS Teacher).

Wednesday 5 February 2014

De Bono's 6 Thinking Hats

This is all about reflecting on your experience and learning in the classroom. We ask and answer questions like - what did you enjoy about today? What went well for you today in your learning? How could you have done something better? How did you feel about your learning today? Thinking about your thinking can be challenging and is a skill we are developing in the Unlimited Learning Space.

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